Verantwortung und soziales EngagementEterno Ivica

Verantwortung und soziales Engagement:

Zusammen die Zukunft gestalten

Soziales Engagement

Soziales Engagement


Eterno Ivica engagiert sich weiterhin für den Bau einer Schule in Dar es Salaam in Tansania.

Eterno Ivica s.r.l. finanziert zusammen mit den anderen Unternehmen wie Plasitc+, Italtronic s.r.l und Plastic Planet s.r.l dieses wichtige Projekt.

Vor Kurzem wurde der zweite Teil des Schulgebäudes eingeweiht, das für 300 Jungen und Mädchen gebaut wurde. Abgesehen von den traditionellen Klassenzimmer, in denen sie den theoretischen Teil lernen, gibt es Räumlichkeiten für Workshops, um den Schülern praxisnahe Erfahrungen zu vermitteln. So werden sie bestens auf die Arbeitswelt vorbereitet


Health Centre for Mother and Child Care - Pakistan


This project aims to support the most disadvantaged minorities in Pakistan: this is the completion of an health center that will offer basic health care services for the community, especially for pregnant women, fot their pre-during-postpartum period.

Eterno Ivica has joined this social inititive by supporting all the objectives of the project such as prevention, implement healthcare, create an atmosphere of help and support for women and children in difficulty.

Soziales Engagement
Soziales Engagement

Eterno Ivica's Forest with Treedom 

This project aims to make our daily commitment to an a idea of sustainability and social responsibility more and more concrete.

Eterno Ivica's policy has always been oriented to the optimization of its impact on the environment and on its local area. 

Eterno Ivica gives life to a forest with the aim of safeguard the environment and optimize its impact. The decision to collaborate with Treedom can be attributed to its focus on agroforestry projects that promote virtuous interaction between different species and sustainable use of resources and land. The project also directly supports the rural communities involved, with training and financial support by offering them the opportunity to care for the trees and enjoy their fruit.
Trees will bring environmental benefits to the Planet, but also social and economic advantages to local communities that take care of them over time.

>>> discover Eterno Ivica's Forest!

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